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ジブリなつぶやき新聞 #ghibli 紙が更新されました! 27 March 2013版

ジブリなつぶやき新聞 #ghibli
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27 March 2013
エンターテインメント・文化 テクノロジー・IT レジャー 教育 人間 経済 #ジブリ #金曜ロードショー
Today's headline
Tickets from the Studio Ghibli museum are made from snips of film - Boing Boing
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Irish Born Chinese
thumbnail boingboing­.net - Tickets at the Studio Ghibli museum near Tokyo are made from snips of actual film from Miyazaki movies. This ticket shows Satsuki from the masterpiece My Neighbor Totoro. I went to (Miyazaki) Studi...
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